A number of Dance Lab students were given the opportunity to partake in the Dreamworld Parade in Queensland, organised by TP World Tours. We began our journey together in Term 2 when we were paired up with our ‘buddies’. These buddies began the interconnection between the elder and younger students.

We trained hard to learn the routine, master our technique and build our endurance and soon were ready to travel to Queensland.
Upon our arrival at Dreamworld we met the other dance schools and performed our circuits for the parade manager and our fellow dancers.
The room was buzzing as we started to take our positions for the parade to begin.
The parade itself was lots of fun, and despite the warmth and length, everyone enjoyed performing in front of a moving audience without the pressure of being on stage.
After the parade finished, many were tired but still pumping with adrenaline and ready to ride the many roller coasters at the park. In all, this was an amazing opportunity that will be remembered for many years to come, and the friendships that were forged through this unforgettable experience will endure for years to come.
Jessica Howell
Dance Lab Senior Student

On the beach
Gold Coast, Queensland
Dancelab Team
Dreamland, Queensland